English Language Arts
Mrs. Rachele Contini
Language Arts Course Syllabus
Mrs. Rachele Contini
Email: rcontini@sb-sfc.org
Welcome to Middle School Language Arts class. We will work together to develop your ability to understand texts and think abstractly about what you have read. You will learn to be skilled writers who employ effective written, research, and grammatical techniques while incorporating strong, eloquent language.
My aim is to provide an exciting, literature-based approach to the curriculum; we will be reading together some of the most important pieces of classical literature and we will use these books as a launchpad to dive into all areas of the curriculum.
o Grammar, vocabulary, and spelling tests all based off the curriculum and the texts we are studying together.
o In-class reading to improve public speaking and articulation and independent reading for speed and comprehension.
o Weekly writing assignments to become comfortable writing in various styles and at length. Students will learn how to write a draft, revise, edit and make corrections.
o Character and plot analysis, make predictions on story lines, develop their own creative writing pieces.
o Research and referencing other authors by studying critics of these novels.
***I ask that each student buy a Dictionary-Thesaurus for classwork and homework***
Recommended: Merriam-Webster, Dictionary and Thesaurus Newest Edition, available on Amazon for $8.99
(all novels will be provided to borrow from the school)
5TH GRADE Stone Fox, John Reynolds Gardiner
A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens
Number the Stars, Lois Lowry
The One and Only Ivan, Katherine Applegate
6th GRADE A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L’Engle
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, CS Lewis
7th GRADE The Call of the Wild, Jack London
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle
The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien
8th GRADE Macbeth, William Shakespeare
The Lord of the Flies, William Golding
The Great Divorce, CS Lewis
Accompanying the literature we will use the Sadlier, New York Progress English Language Arts curriculum, and the Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop by grade level.
All assignments in this class reflect the academic grading policy for St Brigid-St Frances Cabrini Catholic Academy. All assignments are expected to be ON TIME and presented well. Any late or careless assignments will be marked down. The grades for class are weighted in the following way:
20% Homework
20% Participation
20% Tests
20% Quizzes
20% Essays
It is my goal to push the students of Middle School to the highest level of academic excellence possible. Every student from 5th to 8th grade will have two main projects throughout the year, the grading rubric and details will be provided in detail and adjusted to grade level.
Every student will have one ORAL PRESENTATION. This may take the form of memorization of a poem/speech, group project based on a novel, or a debate topic presented and argued.
Finally, throughout the year every student will have a TERM PAPER. Details and rubric will be provided, the students will learn how to write, research and structure an essay (thesis statement, argument, and conclusion). These essays will be planned, presented in draft form, edited, and rewritten throughout the year.
I expect students to come to class ready to work hard and to learn! My classroom will be in environment of respect and discipline.
1. Verbal Warning
2. Second Verbal Warning and infraction
3. Communication sent home
4. Referral to Principal