Mr. Daniel Pintor
MIDDLE SCHOOL Science Course Syllabus Mr. Pintor
Email: dpintor@sb-sfc.org
Welcome to Middle School Science class. We will work together to develop your ability to apply scientific inquiry onto paper, answer questions based on diagrams and figures and demonstrate mastery on the standards on what it means to be a scientist. Throughout the year, students will read and dissect information and instructions to build comprehensive skills that would benefit not only in a scientific aspect, but in all educational aspects that require critical thinking.
My goal for this class is to provide the students with a clear understanding of science, breaking down the curriculum to their needs. In doing so, students will be required to partake in:
In-class note taking. PowerPoint will be uploaded for them to follow along, while most notes are on the PowerPoint, some notes are focused on what is being said.
In-class participation. Students will be playing a role in their own education, answering questions, or even have their educational input towards the lesson.
Students will be taking quizzes, exams based on lessons from the elevate Science workbook, and the PowerPoint. Accompanying this, students will also be receiving classwork, homework and labs from said curriculum. Projects will reflect the current topics, being done in class or at home.
Course Materials:
Notebook • Science Elevate Workbook
Pens/Pencils • Folder for Labs and Assessments
Throughout the year, the students’ grades will be broken into different categories, allowing for grade to be maintained level. The following is the breakdown of their science grade.
Projects Labs
Exams Quizzes Classwork Homework
Percentage Frequency & Description
25% 1-2 projects per trimester.
- Have multiple parts for multiple grades.
20% Lab Assignments that are to be completed or finished at home and submitted the following day,
20% 2-4 exams per trimester.
15% 7-11 quizzes per trimester.
10% Any work done and submitted during class time. 10% Assignments to be completed at home.
Students are responsible for submitting their own work on time. There will be no chasing around for missing work, if it’s not submitted by specific dates, the students would begin to lose points.
Required Science topic by Grade level:
5th Grade: Properties of Matter, Changes in Matter, Earth System, Earth’s Water, Human Impacts on Earth’s Systems, Solar Systems, Patterns in Space, Energy and Food, and Matter and Energy in Ecosystems.
6th Grade: Introduction to Matter, Solids, Liquids, and Gases, Energy, Thermal Energy, Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation, Electricity and Magnetism, Information Technologies, Atom and the Periodic Table, Chemical Reactions, and Forces and Motion.
7th Grade: Living Things in a Biosphere, The Cell System, Human Body System, Reproduction and Growth, Ecosystems, Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems, Genes and Heredity, and Natural Selection and Change over Time.
8th Grade: Introduction to Earth’s Systems, Weather in the Atmosphere, Mineral and Rocks in the Geosphere, Plate Tectonics, Earth’s Surface Ecosystem, Distribution of Natural Resources, Human Impacts on the Environment, History of Earth, Energy in the Atmosphere and Ocean, and Climate.
If a student is absent, they are responsible for any notes and work missed. Work is to be submitted the day the student returns and if any assessment is given, they will take the assessment the following day.