Music & Art
Ms. Ester Aguirre
ART CLASS with Ms. Ester Aguirre
Art is filled with projects and activities that will boost your critical thinking habits, improve your collaborative participation, grow your creativity and develop your communication skills through writing and talking about art. We will focus our exploration of the art world through the Studio Habits.
In this class you will...
-Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
-Refine and complete artistic work. Analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for presentation. Develop and refine artistic work for presentation.
-Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
-Perceive and analyze artistic work. Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
-Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
-Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
-Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding.
Materials needed daily:
-A pencil
-1 or more ream(s) of paper Old T-shirt (for messy days) Growth mindset
-Each week the student will be graded by participation and finish an art project that is assigned on that day.
-The majority of our work will be assessed using the Studio Habits of Mind:
Develop Craft
Engage & Persist
Stretch & Explore
Understand Art World
Class assignments:
Studio projects
Daily class participation
Collaborative project
Stuents expectations in the Classroom: Respect, Responsibility & Relationships.
MUSIC CLASS with Miss Aguirre
Email: eaguirre@sb-sfc.org
Course Description
• The purpose of the general music course at Saint Bridget-Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Academy is to develop comprehensive musicianship with a focus of musical literacy. As a music educator, I believe all students are musical by nature, and have tremendous potential to learn and enjoy music. While research shows that music helps students develop higher-order skills and increase desire to learn, our driving goal is to help students become more enlightened and truly alive through a balanced, comprehensive, and sequential program of study.
• Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
• Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. • Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
• Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
• Reading and notating music.
• Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
• Evaluating music and music performances.
• Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
• Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Grade Specific Expectations:
Students will be graded on participation and the way they relate and communicate with other students. Demonstrate ability to sing simple songs alone and in a group setting.
● pencil
● Black binder for 5th-8th
● black folder for k-4th class
● 1 or more ream(s) of paper- copy paper
CLASE DE ARTE con la señorita Aguirre
El arte esta lleno de proyectos y actividades que impulsaran tus hábitos de pensamiento crítico,
mejoraran tu participación colaborativa, harán crecer tu creatividad y desarrollaran tus
habilidades de comunicación a través de escribir y hablar sobre arte. Enfocaremos nuestra
exploración del mundo del arte a través de Studio Habits.
En esta clase podrás...
Generar y conceptualizar ideas y trabajos artísticos.
Organizar y desarrollar ideas y trabajos artísticos.
Refinar y completar el trabajo artístico. Analizar, interpretar y seleccionar obras artísticas para
su presentación. Desarrollar y perfeccionar el trabajo artístico para su presentación.
Transmitir significado a través de la presentación de una obra artística.
Percibir y analizar la obra artística. Interpretar la intención y el significado en el trabajo
Aplicar criterios para evaluar el trabajo artístico.
Sintetizar y relacionar conocimientos y experiencias personales para hacer arte.
Relacionar ideas y obras artísticas con el contexto social, cultural e histórico para profundizar
la comprensión.
Materiales necesarios diariamente:
un lápiz
lo mas resmas de papel
Camiseta vieja (para los días desordenados)
Mentalidad de crecimiento
Cada semana el estudiante sera calificado por participación y terminara un proyecto de arte
asignado ese dia.
La mayor parte de nuestro trabajo se evaluara utilizando Studio Habits of Mind:
Desarrollar artesania
Participar y persistir
Estírate y explora
Entender el mundo del arte
Tareas de clase:
Proyectos de estudio
Participación diaria en clase
Proyecto colaborativo
Expectativas de los estudiantes en el salon de arte:
Respeto, Responsabilidad y Relaciones.