Ms. Ana Briseño
I am thrilled to warmly welcome you and your children as we embark on an exciting journey through fifth grade together! I am passionate about education and fostering a positive and supportive learning environment. My goal is to create a classroom where every student feels valued, safe, and inspired to reach their full potential. I believe that building strong relationships with both students and parents is crucial for a successful school year, and I am committed to open and effective communication.
I am genuinely looking forward to getting to know both you and your child over the course of this school year. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. I believe that by working together as a team, we can make this fifth-grade year a truly rewarding and successful experience for your child.
Once again, welcome to our fifth-grade class! I can't wait to see the incredible growth and achievements that lie ahead.
Warm Regards,
Ms. Briseño
email: abriseno@sb-sfc.org
MIDDLE SCHOOL Social Studies Course Syllabus Ms. Piotrowski
Email: apiotrowski@sb-sfc.org
Welcome to Middle School Social Studies class. We will work collaboratively on your historic knowledge, analytical skills, critical thinking, and geographic literacy skills. We will not only delve into the past, but also engage with contemporary issues and learn how to think critically, research, analyze, and communicate effectively.
My goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment, along with an engaging curriculum. We will be uncovering centuries of history and discovering new social studies skills.
● Argumentative and explanatory writing pieces
● Gathering, interpreting, and using evidence from primary sources
● Geographic reasoning
● Comparison and contextualization
● Chronological reasoning
● Understanding economic systems
5th Grade
Geography of Western Hemisphere and America Civilizations of the Americas
European Exploration in the Americas
Western Cultures/Western Government
6th Grade
Present-Day Eastern Hemisphere Geography River Valley Civilizations
World Religions
Classical Civilizations, Mediterranean Civilizations Interactions of the Hemispheres
7th Grade
History of the United States Indigenous Peoples of the Americas Colonial Development
American Independence
Westward Expansion
Civil War and Reform Movements
8th Grade
History of the United States Reconstruction
Expansion and Spanish American War WW1 and Roaring 20’s, Great Depression
Foreign Policy and President Bush
All assignments in this class reflect the academic grading policy for St Brigid-St Frances Cabrini Catholic Academy. All assignments are expected to be submitted ON TIME and will be graded as so. Late assignments may be accepted with a penalty.
15% Classwork: Binder checks, participation, note taking, and group work
15% Homework: Assignments sent home and brought back to school based on completion and accuracy
30% Quizzes: Weekly or chapter quizzes, formative assignments
40% Exams, Essays, Projects
Plagiarism, cheating, and any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Consequences for academic dishonesty may include a zero on the assignment and a discussion with parents/guardians.
I expect students to come to class prepared and ready to learn. They are expected to:
● Respect and treat classmates and the teacher with kindness
● Come to class prepared with all necessary materials
● Listen carefully to instructions and follow directions
● Respect property, take care of classroom materials, and not deface school property
● Use electronic devices in accordance with school rules
My steps for managing student behavior is as follows:
Verbal Warning
Second Verbal Warning and infraction
Communication sent home
Referral to Principal